Deepen and Broaden the NoMa BID’s Core Services to Meet the Changing Needs of the Neighborhood and its Parks
The NoMa BID delivers services to businesses, property owners, developers, residents, workers, and visitors. Each of these audiences interacts differently with the neighborhood, and has different needs, wants, and experiences. Our core services were established to meet those needs and as the neighborhood changes, so will our role in serving it.
The keystone of this initiative is evolving BID services in concert with NoMa, anticipating needs and adapting to them as seamlessly as possible. Built into this idea is a creative and flexible staff that is happy and well-managed, and an internal structure that elevates communication and collaboration across departments.
Progress on this initiative in 2024 included:
- Finalizing a new mission and strategy for the NoMa Parks Foundation (NPF) emphasizing community engagement, maintenance, and stewardship of NoMa’s parks.
- Developing a Capital Needs Assessment tool which will help the BID and NPF work with District agencies to advocate and plan for the future needs of the parks.
- Greatly expanding our attention to public safety, including adding new staff, expanding the role of the Public Space Operations Senior Director and the oversight of the Board’s Public Wellbeing Committee, organizing and attending public safety walks, ANC and civic association meetings, and strengthening collaboration and coordination with the Metropolitan Police Department.
- Deepening our knowledge of public safety tools that can be deployed by NoMa businesses to protect themselves.
- Growing our social media presence and following significantly, enhancing our ability to connect with and inform the community about events, initiatives, and important updates.
- Building on the success of the quarterly business social gatherings to create a connected network of business managers and owners that can support and engage with one another.
- Copying the successful business social model to launch a new property management social on a quarterly schedule.
- Adding and reorganizing staff to build capacity and expand the breadth of our core services.
- Relocating to a new office in the neighborhood that consolidates office and ambassador operations.
- Reorganizing administrative and HR management tasks to a streamlined web platform, reducing overhead and freeing up capacity for core service work.
- Continuing investment in BID staff, both in terms of capacity-building and professional development.
- Repositioning our Community Resource Management (CRM) platform to allow for more effective internal data management.
- Conducting our biannual Community Survey to measure the effect of the BID’s work on the community and to gather information for future development of the BID.
Targeted work on this initiative for 2025 will include:
- Advocating for dedicated maintenance funding for NoMa’s parks.
- Automating internal processes related to the BID’s revenue collection process.
- Working with local government and private sector partners to prepare for the new presidential administration.
A Magnetic NoMa is Dynamic
Pillars: Brand & Reputation Connectivity Economic Development Inclusivity Play Safety