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Champion the Expansion of Metro Connectivity in NoMa

Connecting NoMa to its Metro stations through redesigned entrances that serve the community is a critical priority. The need for station improvements at both NoMa metro stations is clear, however the BID cannot execute these projects by itself. The BID will be a champion of these projects and work with the appropriate decision-makers and parties to ensure their completion.

The proposed 3rd St. NE entrance to the NoMa-Gallaudet station would serve residents and businesses east of the train tracks and would tie the burgeoning Union Market area even more closely to NoMa, as well as provide a faster connection for the Gallaudet University’s shuttle bus service.

Similarly, the refresh of the 1st St. NE entrance to Union Station will offer improved access not only to Metro, but to all of the amenities of Union Station (soon to begin its own long-awaited redesign).

Progress on this initiative in 2023 included:

  • Coalition-building, research, and groundwork to marshal resources and build support for the 3rd Street Metro entrance, successfully funded by the District in fiscal 2023.
  • Successful collaboration with WMATA to engage planners and budget officials in the next phase of the project’s development resulting in the 3rd Street Metro entrance being included in the agency’s FY24 budget.
  • Successful collaboration with DC City Councilmembers and staff to ensure the inclusion of the 3rd Street Metro entrance in the city’s FY24 budget.
  • Promoting the 3rd Street Metro entrance to stakeholders and the general public with new renderings and images.
  • Addition of “Third Street” branding banners to streetpoles in order to highlight the submarket
  • Cleaning and activating Metro-adjacent spaces to highlight the station, including the N Street stairs, the Breezeway, and the Metropolitan Branch Trail.
  • Working with WMATA to highlight the benefits of bus priority projects on H Street NE/NW and Florida Avenue.

Targeted work on this initiative for 2024 will include:

  • Continuing to advance progress towards the construction of a third entrance at the NoMa/Gallaudet Metro station onto Third Street NE.
  • Working with WMATA to include NoMa-specific information and/or advertising inside of the NoMa-Gallaudet station.
  • Engaging with the WMATA bus route redevelopment project to ensure the needs of NoMa are represented.
  • Promoting NoMa as a multimodal destination and promote all transportation options work with businesses to engage employees.

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