Build on the Foundation of a Stable & Sustainable Pandemic Recovery
The effects of the coronavirus pandemic are still evident in the neighborhood, though they have evolved over time. The community’s resilience remains a testament to the hard work, vision, and adaptability of everyone here, even as the economic impacts continue to be felt by many.
Progress on this initiative in 2024 included:
- Hosting another full calendar year of in-person events, from small-scale pop-ups to signature celebrations, including place activations, art openings, movie nights, festivals, business socials, board meetings, and the NoMa BID’s annual meeting.
- Inviting residents, employees, and businesses to participate both in-person and virtually in NoMa events and meetings.
- Bolstering the local business community by hosting quarterly business socials that provide opportunities for returning employers to get to know one another, develop mutual support structures, and plan collaborations.
- Expanding and relaunching the Metropolitan Beer Trail, a free digital passport and prize-incentivized marketing program, and inviting thousands of customers to visit 11 NoMa and NoMa-adjacent breweries and bars along the Metropolitan Branch Trail.
- Realizing a slow but steady increase in the neighborhood’s average pedestrian count.
- Supporting and participating in business attraction and retention efforts through partnership with the Washington, DC, Economic Partnership (WDCEP) and site selector visits.
- Preparing and supporting the regrowth of the business travel market segment to bring people to NoMa through targeted destination marketing and the creation of unique neighborhood draws like the Metropolitan Beer Trail.
Targeted work on this initiative for 2025 will include:
- Implementation of a “residential roadshow” — a showcase of the BID’s work and offerings that takes place inside residential buildings.
- Continuing to grow and expand participation in the Metropolitan Beer Trail, which is on track to achieve 70% year-over-year growth in participation.
- Explore ways to engage with residents working from home via activations, targeted outreach, and/or events.
A Magnetic NoMa is Uplifting
Pillars: Brand & Reputation Connectivity Economic Development Inclusivity Play Safety